Monday, January 18, 2010

What a nightmare!

Where to begin....

When I was setting up this blog, I wanted it to have a fun be authentic, well, that went and bit me in the butt. For the first time ever, I somehow downloaded a virus onto our computer. Four days later (and several hours from my neighbor) our computer is back up. However, we pretty much had to strip it down to the bare bones, so I will be without our pictures still for a few days. At least now I know what site I can use to change my page, but man, every time I do it part of me will hold my breath to hope I don't ever get a virus like that again.

I don't really understand the point of them for personal computers. I mean, I know that with big corporations to break down a computer system would wreak havoc on a business, but I don't really "get" why someone would want to do that to a personal computer. Just for fun? Really? I digress.

Izzi will be 3 years old in two days. Boy did that go fast. Yet, in the same breath, I am already looking forward to her getting out of the stage she's in. There are nights where she goes to bed without a problem, then, there are nights that she gets out over 40 times in a row. I've tried just about everything to prevent this...walking back in silence (after the 30ith time though, it's hard not to scream at her), reasoning with her, yelling, taking away her luvies (and if you know my daughter, this is sacred!!!!), I'll even admit to spanking once or twice, baby gate her door, until she at first climbed right over it then decided once I made it higher to just ram it times like that, it's hard not to laugh. My sister has a phrase that I never had appreciation for until recently. We now like to coin her phrase as ours as "The Izzi Show". This show goes on almost nightly. She is slowly starting to learn that she can stay up as long as she stays in her room. We will be downstairs watching TV and then we'll hear singing, laughing, talking, you name it coming from her room (she insist on leaving her door open "just a little crack"). Last night has to be one of the funnier times for this "show". There is a french children's song called "Fara Jacka", most of you know it; well, last night I heard her singing this to that melody: "I'm not sleeping, I'm not sleeping, no I'm not! No I'm not! Iiiiiii'm not sleeping, Iiiiiii'm not sleeping. No I'm not, no I'm not". I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard.

Over the weekend, I was working on rolling over from back to front with Sophie. She did it twice on Saturday and then that was it. She gets herself about 95% of the way over, but her arm keeps her from getting that last little bit. I keep trying every day and she gets closer and closer each time, so pretty soon she'll have it and then daycare will let her sleep on her stomach finally.

I had to run to the grocery store after work today, normal right? Well, there I was, standing in line, and I get up to the cashier and her name was Babette. Really? Does someone seriously name their child that? (She was probably in her 50's)Or, is it like strippers, they don't want people to know their real names so they make one up. Just so odd, one of those stupid things that you see that makes you go..hmmmm... So, here's to having my computer back, and to hopefully have it running fully by the end of the week.

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