Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fun with the girls.....

Man did the weekend fly by! Izzi, Izzi, do I not duck tape you to the bed? We have been having MAJOR issues keeping her in bed as most of you know. So...on Wednesday night, Jason had to run an errand and I was home alone with her. She, as usual, gave me a run for my money with staying in bed. After about 45 min., I had to walk away from her to compose myself. I decided to put the baby gate up in front of her door....she rammed it until it came off. I decided to put it in the inside of the door frame, she climbed over it (after ramming it several times and having no luck). Then, I decided, that's it, I'm going to put two baby gates up, one on top of another. It's about 4 feet high. I did this, then went downstairs to cool off....I could hear her ramming into it over and over again. became very quiet. I went up to the landing to watch from the stairs to see what she was doing. I sat very quietly on the stairs peeking through the stair rails at her door....when I see out of the corner of my eye...Izzi walking out of my bedroom! She had scaled the 4 foot baby gate fence I put up and jumped over it!!!!! I wanted to laugh and scream at the same time...there is some determination! I took the gate down at that point, if she could climb it, she would do it again, and possibly hurt herself. What a little...well, I'll let your imagination run with that one.

Every Monday night, Jason is at class work, and his sister comes over with the girls and helps me with dinner, and lets Izzi get some much needed energy out playing with her two cousins. Here is a picture of them from the other week. They were taking turns jumping off the couch onto some cushions, over and over. The energy...if I could just have an ounce of it!!

This is Kylee

This is Izzi

And this is Abigail

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!!

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