Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to my Izzi-bee!

Well, it's Izzi's third birthday, ok, that really did go quick. Everyone always says how fast it would go, and I never really felt it at the time, but I do now. This was one of Izzi's favorite presents. It is from her Grandma and Papa (my parents). A very cute rain coat, with a matching umbrella and boots. I had a hard time getting them off of her. Boy did she look cute in them. Now, all I have to do is wait for warmer weather and some rain.

I still don't think she really understands what "birthday" means other than cake. She enjoyed opening the presents, but she didn't really get "into" it. She loved being sung to, so everyone who called and sang to her, thank you!!! Her little face just beamed with the phone pressed up to her head. Too cute. So, here's to a year of growth, hopefully to a year of learning how to stay in bed and to a year of giggles.

The other morning Izzi really begged to get into bed with Sophie, who just smiled and smiled at her. She just loves Izzi, especially when she talks to her. Speaking of cribs, I would love to put Izzi back in one. She, every night, gets out of bed several times. We've tried just about everything. The whole "silent walk back to bed" (over three hours one time), taking her beloved luvies away, trying to reason with her, spending more quality time with her, put baby gates up in front of her door (she rammed them down or climbed over them)even spanked once(never thought I'd spank my child). I don't know why, but she just wont stop. We dread bedtime every single day. She never used to be like this, and I can't remember if it started before or after Sophie was born. All I know is that I can't WAIT for it to stop. So, if anyone has an adult sized crib, let me know, I might just buy it from you!

Ah yes, my little Sophia. My peanut...she has finally learned how to flip over from back to front. I've been working on it every day since the past weekend, and tonight, she was able to do it several times, so maybe now she'll start sleeping at daycare....oh please oh please start sleeping at daycare. This whole getting her home at 4:15 and being asleep for the night by 5 is sad..I miss my little girl. I'm glad I only work part time or else I'd be having major withdraw from her! Well, it's been a LONG day and my headache doesn't seem to be getting any better, so I think I'm calling this an early night. To bed, to bed, to bed I said.......

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