Sunday, January 31, 2010

This past weekend we spent it celebrating Izzi's 3rd birthday at Monkey Joe's. It's a huge place that has about 7 or 8 inflatables, where kids jump, play and basically get worn out! I ended up having to take a later opening in their schedule than I would've initially wanted, which was from 12:30-2:30. Izzi is usually down for her nap at 1-1:30, so I was just planning on bringing her home right after and putting her down. life happens, her nap didn't. We didn't end up getting out of there until about 3ish, and Jason's sister Heather ended up keeping Izzi there for another hour. By the time she came home, it was close to 4. I was still planning on putting her down for a little cat nap, but I was talked out of it. UGH...never ever again will I let her go without a nap. She was fine until it was bedtime. She pulled the now usual getting out of bed several times, finally stayed in bed, fell asleep right away for only about a half hour, then was up for another 45 min. or so crying and getting up. She finally fell asleep again around 8:45ish...and then was up from 1am until 3:30 am crying and getting in and out of bed. Needless to say, I'm exausted today, which also seemed like it was the LONGEST DAY EVER! Izzi and Sophie were on total different sleep schedules, so I had no down time, and J was on call so he wasn't home a whole lot today. Oh well....what are you going to do, right?

I am blessed that Izzi likes her sister. She has never been mean to her, and always loves to make her smile and giver her hugs. Too cute.

Izzi had fun on this blow up chair in the room her party was held at. Here is a picture of Izzi with her two cousins and my friends daughter (from left to right: Annie, Izzi, Elena and Abigail).

Here's another picture of Izzi and was hard to get them to sit long enough to get a picture..there's a whole lotta energy in those two!

And finally, here is Izzi in her birthday outfit, which I picked out a few weeks ago and fell in love with. I think it's stinkin cute, however, I've had a few people tell me that it's "ugly" and "interesting". I don't think I'd ever tell someone that I thought something they bought was ugly, I was just amazed how honest people can be. Oh well, my kid, my taste, I loved it!

Looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, it's been a hard weekend and I need to get back to adults and normalcy. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Well, i loved the party and I loved the post! This too shall end, one day. And when our kids are teenagers, we will be begging for the our kids to return to being two and three again!!
